Non Veasna, an apprentice learning motorbike repair in a program established by @MCCPeace partner, Organization to Develop Our Villages (ODOV), works on a motor bike engine at the shop he apprentices at in Ba Phnom district, Cambodia. He has worked at this shop under master craft teacher Cheth Sophat for the past year. When he graduates from the program he will have the skills to work for another mechanic or open his own shop.
The goal of this project is for rural youth to be trained in their desired vocational training and career-readiness skills. Through the vocational training and guidance of project staff, participants will be able to transition into using those skills to start businesses and explore additional future employment opportunities. MCC – Relief, development, and peace in the name of Christ
The Ozanam Centre (the St. Catharines Soup Kitchen) was delighted to receive boxes of fresh tomatoes from the Funk Family farm. Gleaners Jasper (6) and Walter (2 1/2) were helped by their grandparents, Laur and Jan. There will be more tomatoes available this week. The folks at The Oz tell me, “There is no such things as too many tomatoes!” (Or eggs.) Do you have surplus vegetables? There is always a happy home for them at The Oz. Every dollar you share can become up to $4 thanks to government matching and a generous Ontario farmer!
If you sign up to sponsor an acre of land on Larry and Marg Dyck's farm—or even part of an acre—Larry will farm the land you sponsor and donate the proceeds after harvest. The proceeds will be matched by the government and then will go to helping end hunger, through MCC and Canadian Foodgrains Bank. One acre costs $400, but whether you sponsor ten acres or a tenth of an acre, your gift will grow, and you'll help provide food for people who need it. Join us—Grow Hope today! Check out Helena Mary Awok with her MCC school kit at Saint Mary's Primary School in Thon-Aduel, Rumbek, South Sudan! The Loreto School Kits and Nutritious Meals Project is making a difference by enhancing the education experience for around 25,000 children in the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek. From academic materials to feminine hygiene products, this project offers crucial support to young learners.
Want to help make a difference for students like Helena? Join the MCC School Kit Challenge! Help 10,000 kids attend school around the world by donating 10,000 school kits during the month of August. Whether you donate one or 100 school kits, every donation helps. Visit to learn more MCC – Relief, development, and peace in the name of Christ To celebrate National Thrift Shop Day, which is August 17th, the Christian Benefit Shop on Grantham is asking you to clean out your cabinets and closets for a chance to win!
When you drop off housewares donations during August 1-17, you'll receive a ballot to win one of two gift cards on National Thrift Shop Day. The draw will be held at 7 PM on Thursday, August 17. Winners will be mentioned on our social media channels and we will also be contacted by phone or email. *One ballot provided per donation (one to multiple bags/boxes). Most Thursday mornings, Laur Steven will be there to greet you at the drop off area! 😊 MCC Thrift Shops – Where every purchase is a gift to the world! |
December 2024
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