Marie-Jeanne and her children live in Kikwit, Kwilu Province, of the DRC. Often the water they gather makes them sick. Your gift can help MCC get started on clean water solutions, like the building of a well! For only $45 dollars, you can provide one person access to clean and safe drinking water.
Q - “Lord, when did we see you thirsty and give you something to drink?” A - “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me.” MCC - Relief, development, and peace in the name of Christ!
Season Four of MCC's Undercurrents: Season 4:
Episode 22 - Five lessons from refugee sponsorship Since 1979, hundreds of thousands of refugees have been sponsored, resettled, and built new lives in communities across Canada. Countless tears of happiness have been shed, countless Canadian flags have been waved, and countless cross-cultural meals have been shared. But, as we'll hear from one sponsorship group, there’s a whole lot more to it than that. Pastor Victor Dogos of N'djamena, Chad, is the first recipient of the newly established Michael J. Sharp Global Peacemaker Award. Created by MCC in 2023, the award acknowledges courageous peacemakers across the world.
As a Christian, Dogos works collaboratively with Catholics, Muslims, Protestants and tribal leaders in Chad to encourage people of all religions to live together in peace. National and community leaders call on him to resolve violent conflicts and intervene in situations that have the potential for bloodshed. “We serve a God of peace. So, working for peace is a profound commitment because we are acting as God acts. The way we talk, the way we carry ourselves in the world, the way we work – all of those things we do in the way God has modeled,” Dogos says. Read more at MCC – Relief, development, and peace in the name of Chris The Ozanam Centre is located at 235 Church St in St. Catharines, and they serve about 125 people a nutritious meal at lunch time – five days of the week. The Oz workers are almost 100% volunteers and work hard to provide nourishment for the body and the soul. Of course, they welcome financial donations – but they also welcome donations of food. Top of the list are…
-Soup – canned or dried -EGGS, tuna, and other canned protein food -Tomatoes – fresh or canned -Mayonnaise -Italian salad dressing -Vegetable oil -All-purpose flour -Large flake oatmeal -Granola bars -Individual yogurts and fruit cups or puddings -Fresh fruit and vegetables So if you overbuy at Costco, or see a two-for-one sale, remember “The Oz.” Jan Steven will happily deliver. Note: They cannot accept home-made items or opened packages due to public health rules. Give today to help suffering families and DOUBLE the value of your emergency gift. The matching funds for eligible donations are only available for a very limited time — until June 30th.
-> Conflict, climate change and hunger are putting lives at risk in countries across East Africa. The conflict in Sudan is making a fragile situation worse in many places. Millions of people have been forced from their homes and are in urgent need of basic necessities to survive. In East Africa, the rainy season has failed four years in a row. Crops, livestock and water supplies are decimated. That’s why the Government of Canada has just announced matching funds through the Humanitarian Coalition — which MCC participates in through our membership in Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Of the countries included in the match, MCC has food assistance responses in DR Congo, Ethiopia, Chad, Kenya and South Sudan. <- You can give to MCC Canada through Grace Mennonite Church. “Please indicate that the donation is for “MCC – Crisis in East Africa.” Thank you. MCC – Relief, development, and peace in the name of Christ Ever since survivors of brutal fighting in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo fled to the city of Kikwit in 2017, the Mennonite Brethren Church has been ministering to them with faith and action.
The survivors came with burns, wounds from machetes and babies about to be born. They were exhausted from walking for weeks or months from various regions of neighbouring Kasai Province without much food or water. They carried emotional wounds from watching their family members and neighbours massacred in front of them. The Communauté des Eglises de Frères Mennonites au Congo (CEFMC; Mennonite Brethren Church of Congo), which is based in Kikwit, saw their need. Individuals responded by taking people into their homes and giving clothing and food. The CEFMC hospital staff provided medical care, and their churches became temporary shelters. But the needs were greater than CEFMC could meet alone. MCC, with the initial support of donations from global Anabaptist organizations, followed by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank and MCC donors, is walking with CEFMC. Together, the local committee of CEFMC members are empowering displaced people to establish new lives in Kikwit. MCC – Relief, development, and peace in the name of Christ |
December 2024
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