November 2024 - Community Supporting Each Other
We had a good turnout for the presentation - COMMUNITY SUPPORTING EACH OTHER – presented by Hannah Zettler-Graca from Positive Living - at the Grace Mennonite Church Auditorium. Grace Justice Group has a “Matthew 25:44-45 Mission” of Serving the Marginalized and Vulnerable – our Neighbours!
The four people in the picture? Becky Whitworth from the office of Tony Baldinelli MP, Hannah Zettler-Graca from Positive Living, Jan Steven from Grace, and Sal Sorrento from Regional Council. And many thanks to Grace volunteers for their awesome work – Pam, Diane, Erika, Annie, Ester, Darrell, and Laur. We are Community Supporting Each Other
The four people in the picture? Becky Whitworth from the office of Tony Baldinelli MP, Hannah Zettler-Graca from Positive Living, Jan Steven from Grace, and Sal Sorrento from Regional Council. And many thanks to Grace volunteers for their awesome work – Pam, Diane, Erika, Annie, Ester, Darrell, and Laur. We are Community Supporting Each Other
You can see Hannah's PowerPoint presentation below. Many people working in the field of Addiction have as their daily hope, "Keep this person alive for one more day." People cannot get treatment if they aren't alive.